
Development and Validation of the First 5 kW Copper Redox Flow Battery Prototype for Stationary Storage Applications, Achieving Sustainability, Cost-effectiveness, and Performance Utilizing Novel Material, Innovative Design, and Intelligent Control
NVISION - Cuber Project


In CuBER, a low-cost, sustainable, and scalable stationary energy storage technology will be developed and validated in a relevant environment, with a proven superior environmental performance based on cupper, a non-critical and earth-abundant material, relying on a fully European value chain from primary production to recycling.

Our Role

NVISION will adapt its datASSIST platform to operate within the CuRFB system. The platform will be responsible for the control, management and monitoring of the different components and processes which will be optimized to provide a continuous power supply, maximizing efficiency and cost benefits for the end users. Artificial Intelligence algorithms and machine learning techniques will be used to improve control strategies for the smart operation of the system.


Funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement 875605