It will incorporate novel sensors and methodologies for monitoring the battery State-of-Health, together with cutting-edge technologies for second-life applications. It will utilize advanced physics- and data-based models implemented on-board and on-cloud for performance evaluation, diagnosis, health management and safety evaluation tools, to trigger actions to address safety and cyber-security concerns.
iBattMan aims to design an innovative, modular and scalable BMS, for a wide range of vehicles, from small passenger cars to e-busses and electric trucks. It focused on improving performance, connectivity, security and reliability to enhance battery performance and reduce total cost of ownership in EV applications and smart battery use for grid support and in 2nd life applications.
NVISION will offer an advanced architecture and sensors for edge- and cloud-computing to enhance BMS data processing. Specifically, NVision will develop the gateway for BMS connection to the cloud, ensuring data exchange with cybersecurity measures. Additionally, it will update the datAssist® software to meet iBattMan’s needs.
Incorporarà nous sensors i metodologies per monitorar l’Estat de Salut (SOH) de les bateries durant el seu funcionament i càrrega, juntament amb tecnologies i eines de vanguardia per a aplicacions de segona vida. Utilitzarà models avançats basats en física i dades implementats a la placa i a la núvol per a l’avaluació del rendiment, diagnòstic, gestió de la salut i eines d’avaluació de la seguretat, per a desencadenar accions per abordar preocupacions de seguretat i ciberseguretat.

Funding for the European Commission within European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA).