
Remote contacless health monitoring in Stroke and Spinal cord injury patients to help in the neurorehabilitation process
Remote contacless health monitoring in Stroke and Spinal cord injury patients to help in the neurorehabilitation process.


The AURA project aims to utilize radiofrequency physiology sensing technology to develop an Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) service for remote health monitoring with direct clinical application. It integrates advanced respiratory and cardiac signal processing techniques with innovative artificial intelligence modelling to conduct a clinical proof-of-concept study. The ultimate goal is to enhance objective and personalised health monitoring specifically for individuals with neuromotor disabilities, such as stroke and spinal cord injury.

Our Role

NVISION leads the project providing expertise in the Digital IoMT health platform research, artificial intelligence models and knowledge on new contactless physiology technology.

AURA flow

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - UE - Agencia Estatal de Investigación

Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, State Research Agency, and NextGenerationEU.